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To let your loved ones know instantly what is happening to you and where you are

Laura avatar
Written by Laura
Updated over 3 weeks ago

What is SOS for?

SOS is the feature created specifically to provide security in emergency situations. It is an innovative solution that provides people with the necessary tools to request urgent help, you can do it:

  • From the App (Band tab> SOS)

  • From the Band: by pressing at the same time the 2 buttons of ēllu Band for 2 seconds.

When you send an SOS from your mobile phone or the ēllu Band, you send an urgent message to all your SOS contacts (Guardians), which includes your location and a 30-second audio recording made at the moment you press the SOS. While the SOS remains active, if you wish, you can send a new 30-second audio each time you press the SOS button or the two buttons on the Band.


Due to iOs restrictions, in order to send an SOS from the Band, ēllu must be open or in the background. The app must not be completely closed.

How do I set up SOS?

First you must choose the contacts that you want to be SOS for you. To make a contact from your address book become part of your Guardians, you must send a request, you have 2 ways to do it:

  • From the contact book (person icon 👤 in the top right corner), in the Contacts tab, selecting the person's profile and sending the request from the profile.

  • From the contact book (person icon 👤 in the top right corner), in the second tab, SOS, choose Edit your SOS contacts, choose who you want to be part of your SOS circle and save the changes.


  • In order to use the SOS feature, it is essential to grant the app permission to access the microphone, location, and critical alerts. These permissions ensure that your SOS alert reaches your Guardians correctly.

  • Contacts who accept your SOS contact invitation will receive your SOS alerts.

  • You will not receive their SOS alerts until you accept their SOS contact invitations.

For example, if you want to receive your mother's SOS alerts, she has to invite you to be an SOS contact and you have to accept the invitation. Possibly, you do not want to worry your mother and have her receive your SOS alerts, so you will not invite her to be an SOS contact.

If for some reason you sent the request wrongly and you want to delete it:

  1. Go to Edit SOS Contacts.

  2. Select the name of the contact to whom you mistakenly sent the request.

  3. Select the button labeled Recall.

    1. If they did not respond to the request, your request will be deleted.

    2. If they accepted the request, you will not be able to take this action from the contact's address book. In that case go to that contact's profile and disable the SOS toggle for that user.

How to send an SOS?

There are 2 possibilities to send an SOS alert:

From the App:

  1. In the horizontal menu at the bottom of the screen tap on the ēllu Band icon.

  2. Tap on the circular icon labeled SOS.

  3. Confirm if you really want to activate the SOS feature.

  4. If you confirm, all your contacts who accepted your SOS contact invitation will receive a request to join your SOS alert. They will also be able to access your location through the SOS Map and will automatically receive a 30-second audio note to better understand the situation and provide the help you may need at that moment.

From the ēllu Band:

  1. Press the two buttons on your Band two seconds in a row and your wristband will vibrate and the led will flash red once to confirm that the SOS activation was successful.

  2. All your contacts who accepted your SOS contact invitation will receive a request to participate in your SOS alert.

  3. Your ēllu Band records a 30-second audio note and automatically sends it to the SOS chat so your contacts can hear you and better understand what’s happening. They will also be able to access your location through the SOS Map.

What happens when I send a SOS?

When you send an SOS from your phone or ēllu Band all contacts predefined by you as SOS contacts will be able to:

  • Listen in real time to the audio you send through ēllu Band informing them about the nature of the emergency (30 seconds).

  • See how many people accepted the SOS alert by viewing them on the SOS Map.

  • Map the route to the user who sent the SOS alert.

  • Chat and use all ēllu features more efficiently to get help to the person who requested help as quickly as possible.

To ensure your location is shared correctly, remember to check that you have a GPS signal and that it is enabled on your device.

Can I chat with my SOS Contacts (Guardians) during the SOS?

Yes, you will be able to chat with all the contacts who accepted the request to participate in your SOS alert. Those are your Guardians. You will also be able to access all the ēllu features present within the chat and they will be able to see on the map the route to you so that you receive their help as soon as possible.

Can I see who has agreed to help me?

Yes, you will be able to see all your SOS Contacts (Guardians) who have accepted your SOS alert to give you immediate help by entering the SOS map at the bottom of the SOS chat.

What happens when I receive an SOS from one of my contacts?

When you receive an SOS the Band will vibrate and flash red continuously until you accept or reject the SOS request.

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